Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Rage-Inducing Commercials

What are some of our present-day Darrin Stephens-es thinking anyways?

Over the past few months, I've felt the mounting presence of a thundering herd of rage-inducing commericals. I'm not just talking about your average 30-second spot featuring a moron husband/dad, I'm talking about dentist-drill noises in a credit card commercial.

How effective is the commerical, really, when you cringe and immediately turn the station, just narrowly avoiding an accident on the freeway?

Or there's everybody's favorite, the FM radio DJ smoothly transitioning into a schpiel about the new cell phone offered by Verizon... Mister DJ, Mister please...

But most of my rage--I mean of Festivus proportions--is directed at the Progressive Insurance campaign. What was that board meeting like? "Well Johnson's got a great pitch: We intro the obnoxious girl with the extremely obnoxious jingle (but only on our radio spots), and we bring her into a completely fictional setting. I'm thinking maybe an insurance store that has a, white background."

"Alright Johnson, but I have a question for you--How degradingly can you depict the client?"

Answer: "Very degrading. They'll abhor us."

Flo, the Jerk Store called, and they're runnin' outta you!

Flo's Best Commerical Ever

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Miller Lite Ads = HobbsGoCommercial-Worthy

Some pretty good Miller Lite commercials here. The site is missing a couple of ML's best, but these are pretty good too.

Go Giants!!!!


Saturday, August 21, 2010

DirecTV's 2nd best effort

Gotta give Lorraine the props. And lets be honest, they hired the perfect niners fan for this commercial.

DirecTV-Home Run!

There are 2 worth mentioning, secondly would be the "Cheeseheads", but the Foxboro folks own it up! I can't get enough of it. It totally depicts the arrogant east coast"er"
Dude, you are living in Antarctica! It aint a paradise. I love it.

Why can't we be friends?

Great song, but competitors cannot be friends. This commercial starts out sickening, but it makes a realistic comeback. I like it!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Sort of the opposite of Dale Peterson...

Check this ad out - from an Assembly race in CA...I'll give you one hint - he'll fight for you 'till midnight every day!:

Link - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BMuPUIajjME

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Alabama Politics = Big Leagues

This is an actual campgain ad in Alabama... Priceless... While thugs and criminals in other states are busy knocking over convenience stores and hot-wiring cars, their schemes are much more diabolical in 'Bama.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Look Who's Hot For Krystal...

Wow. I was impressed, I believe you will be too.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Great JnB spot

You can always count on Jack in the Box to make Burger King and Taco Bell commercials look about as creative as a bologna sandwich. This time, they tap into something that is SO relate-able - EVERY man has done this exact thing (and most women are trying not to think it):

Link - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1AX6-1JdDsA

(golf clap) Nice work J in the B - but are you suggesting I stuff a burger or taco in my pants at the movies? I'm not sure it'd be worth the savings to have to sit in a pile of mustard and grease for two hours while crying at some chick flick. Its the thought that counts.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Hilarious Old Spice commercial

Jay and I watched this a week or so ago, and although there was no sound, it was hilarious...here a few looped together:

Link - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FA9KT8UQyEI

Talk about reaching your audience - we were riveted!

Tiger's creepy Nike commercial inspires fun...

So, as if the hero worship of Tiger Woods isn't bad enough, Nike has a new commercial out designed to make us feel sorry for poor Mr. Woods, using his dead dad's voice...seriously. See for yourself:

Link - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WqFTYY_TXKU

There is a redeeming value to this nonsense - it lends itself QUITE well to spoofs...here a few good ones going around:

Foghorn Leghorn:

Link - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x_nVSSyNwUM

Raising Arizona:

Link - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7V-P6jZmntg


Link - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rYJnlN71xnU

Colbert does a couple - Beav's father/Young Frankenstein

Link - http://www.colbertnation.com/the-colbert-report-videos/270035/april-08-2010/tiger-s-nike-commercial

There are a billion more out there, but these are some good ones...

Go Giants!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Good point Pops

Dad makes the point that when you have a good product (listen up, BK), you don't even bother with price:

Link - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gxGTvSLpGPM

Monday, April 5, 2010

The King is apparently out of ideas...

So he steals the recipe for Egg McMuffins...seriously? Of all the products that can't be duplicated and are worth the embarassment of admitting you can't make, you tell millions of people that McDonalds just can't be beat, so we're stealing their recipe? Seriously? And on top of that, you say that they are the same (yours and McD's) but yours is $1 instead of the OUTRAGEOUS $1.50 McD's charges.

Let me get this straight. In some PR office or BK HQ somewhere, a bunch of brain surgeons got together and decided that BK can beat McD in a price war? Seriously? You think you can make something cheaper and more efficiently than McD? I just can't wait until McD just starts charging 50 cents for them or 25 cents or 10 cents. Why not? Its basically what Wal-Mart does with every other retailer. And so the smart ones decide, hey, we can't beat Wal-Mart's prices, so we'll beat them in other ways. We'll have clean bathrooms, and higher-end products, and better service, etc. etc.

Memo to BK - of all the ways to beat McD, this is the one way guaranteed to fail.

Judge for yourselves:

Link - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lag2vDx2faQ

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Does Carl's Jr. not know what a 'grilled cheese' is?

You wouldn't think it would have to be explained to them. Pretty simple concept - cheese in between two slices of bread. Apparently Carl's Jr. thinks you can add bacon and a flippin' burger and still call it grilled cheese. On top of that they totally insult the grilled cheese-lovin' market with their ad. Not sure how this isn't a total loser of a campaign. Speaking for myself, a grilled cheese connoisseur, I feel like they are simultaneously making fun of me for liking grilled cheese as an adult and asking me to buy their counterfeit version.

So to get a grilled cheese, do I order this and then ask for no bacon or burger?

Link - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QoiM_F6drn4

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Hilarious Wal-Mart Commercial

If you haven't seen this yet, its unexpected and hilarious...enjoy!

Link - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hsvAj6qfmFQ

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Go on a diet...at Taco Bell?

I'm not sure if I love it or hate it yet. I do know I've seen it a million times, and not in paid spots alone. Its gotten a lot of free (earned) media, so by that measure it is definitely a success. To say the least its bold and challenges previously-held assumptions about Taco Bell...that said...

Who in their right (or even wrong) mind is going to buy that? Lose weight at Taco Bell??? Huh? I do see a positive here - for guys looking for a cheap place to take a date, there you go. When your date says 'ewww, gross,' you respond with, 'its health food doll. What do you want from me?' Other than that, this is a humongous waste of Taco Bell money. The fact that the disclaimer is the first thing you see should tell you everything - it may as well read: 'Caution, nothing you are about to see is true. All claims are based on fictional people eating fictional food at fictional restaurants in parallel universes. Do not attempt at home, work, on the road, in a box, with a fox, or anywhere else.'

Everytime I watch it, I'm waiting for the punchline - some guy to get kicked in the nether region by a goat or the King (Burger) to sneak up behind her and scare us all with his creepy mug. This would be a great SNL commercial if it wasn't. I have to remind myself the whole commercial is a joke and, alas, no punchline will be forthcoming.

View and be likewise confused:

or click here - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZ89JaxqVgI