Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Hilarious Wal-Mart Commercial

If you haven't seen this yet, its unexpected and hilarious...enjoy!

Link - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hsvAj6qfmFQ

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Go on a diet...at Taco Bell?

I'm not sure if I love it or hate it yet. I do know I've seen it a million times, and not in paid spots alone. Its gotten a lot of free (earned) media, so by that measure it is definitely a success. To say the least its bold and challenges previously-held assumptions about Taco Bell...that said...

Who in their right (or even wrong) mind is going to buy that? Lose weight at Taco Bell??? Huh? I do see a positive here - for guys looking for a cheap place to take a date, there you go. When your date says 'ewww, gross,' you respond with, 'its health food doll. What do you want from me?' Other than that, this is a humongous waste of Taco Bell money. The fact that the disclaimer is the first thing you see should tell you everything - it may as well read: 'Caution, nothing you are about to see is true. All claims are based on fictional people eating fictional food at fictional restaurants in parallel universes. Do not attempt at home, work, on the road, in a box, with a fox, or anywhere else.'

Everytime I watch it, I'm waiting for the punchline - some guy to get kicked in the nether region by a goat or the King (Burger) to sneak up behind her and scare us all with his creepy mug. This would be a great SNL commercial if it wasn't. I have to remind myself the whole commercial is a joke and, alas, no punchline will be forthcoming.

View and be likewise confused:

or click here - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZ89JaxqVgI