Friday, April 9, 2010

Hilarious Old Spice commercial

Jay and I watched this a week or so ago, and although there was no sound, it was a few looped together:

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Talk about reaching your audience - we were riveted!

Tiger's creepy Nike commercial inspires fun...

So, as if the hero worship of Tiger Woods isn't bad enough, Nike has a new commercial out designed to make us feel sorry for poor Mr. Woods, using his dead dad's voice...seriously. See for yourself:

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There is a redeeming value to this nonsense - it lends itself QUITE well to a few good ones going around:

Foghorn Leghorn:

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Raising Arizona:

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Colbert does a couple - Beav's father/Young Frankenstein

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There are a billion more out there, but these are some good ones...

Go Giants!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Good point Pops

Dad makes the point that when you have a good product (listen up, BK), you don't even bother with price:

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Monday, April 5, 2010

The King is apparently out of ideas...

So he steals the recipe for Egg McMuffins...seriously? Of all the products that can't be duplicated and are worth the embarassment of admitting you can't make, you tell millions of people that McDonalds just can't be beat, so we're stealing their recipe? Seriously? And on top of that, you say that they are the same (yours and McD's) but yours is $1 instead of the OUTRAGEOUS $1.50 McD's charges.

Let me get this straight. In some PR office or BK HQ somewhere, a bunch of brain surgeons got together and decided that BK can beat McD in a price war? Seriously? You think you can make something cheaper and more efficiently than McD? I just can't wait until McD just starts charging 50 cents for them or 25 cents or 10 cents. Why not? Its basically what Wal-Mart does with every other retailer. And so the smart ones decide, hey, we can't beat Wal-Mart's prices, so we'll beat them in other ways. We'll have clean bathrooms, and higher-end products, and better service, etc. etc.

Memo to BK - of all the ways to beat McD, this is the one way guaranteed to fail.

Judge for yourselves:

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