Saturday, October 31, 2009

May You Stay Forever Young

Alright, you saw this concept first in the Superbowl. Joe-D certainly doesn't hurt it. You may not like Bob Dylan. You may not like Will I Am. You may not like Pepsi. You are a fool if you don't like this commercial!!

So-so product, but commercial made me look into it...

I always find totally new product launches pretty interesting. Initial commercials are a great chance to do something different and unique. The new phone by Verizon-Google-Motorola is coming out in November, and I really like their ad running now. Now, I'm very happy with my Blackberry Storm. Might get an iPhone if someone gave it to me, but no complaints. But despite this, the commercial definitely caught my curiosity and made me look into it. Turns out the specs are only incrementally better than iPhone (whatever, Casey - look it up!), but the ad is pretty cool nonetheless:

Link -

Friday, October 30, 2009

Mac's new commercial = a punch to PC's gut

Casey - you can just ignore this post. Quit smirking. So the latest edition of the Mac vs. PC commercials are out during the World Series (go Phils!), and after being impressed with the Windows 7 one - with the guy demonstrating the innovation that he came up with and sent to Microsoft - I feel like I got kicked in the nether region after watching the Mac commercial, which is making me feel ashamed to be excited about Windows 7:

Poor PC - the flip-shades are truly cringe-worthy...

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Southwest Airlines-Bring It

This is a great commercial. 1) It calls out the competition without ever naming them and 2) It's totally relavent, what the heck do they think they are charging for suitcases to fly!, and 3) It's a catchy little rap-jingle.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

A classic...

This blog wouldn't be complete without one of the best local commercials of all time. I'm not sure how to intro this - if you've seen it before then you know what's coming (dinets? we got it!). If you haven't, then climb out from under the rock you've been under and check this out:

h/t Jay - good call...

Buy a Black Jack Taco...Please!!!

If you're like me, you've been disgusted and confused by those stupid Taco Bell commercials promoting this 'Black Jack' taco. As if there's another way to combine meat, cheese, and lettuce. Well, apparently no one is willing to plunk down even 89 cents for one of these suckers, cause now the Bell is giving them away in an attempt to get rid of the high inventory of black taco shells they've got (trying to make it seem like a planned, Halloween event):

Everything about the picture grosses me out - limp lettuce and cheese, unknown sauce, dry crumbly meat in a BLACK shell. A note about this - I've heard the shells are actually dark blue, like blue corn chips, which would make a lot more sense if they advertised it that way. At least we've seen and tasted blue corn before. Black is not usually a flavor-color combo that's attractive...

We'll see if any other decent commercials pop up during the World Series...although I'm sure everyone in New York has tuned out by now...

Friday, October 23, 2009

Its about time...

Its about time someone took Snuggies down a peg or two...I'm sure we can all agree that the blanket did not need any new technological developments. It was perfectly fine how it was! If you're having trouble reading or using the remote while undera blanket, well, then tough it the heck out - life is supposed to be hard. You'll appreciate it all that much more when you realize what a great invention the SWEATER is. Its like a blanket with arms!!

I wish I had the money to go and buy a Subaru just to thank them...

Live from...its Hobbs Going Commercial

Let's begin with this gem from somewhere in The-South-Will-Rise-Again, Alabama (no offense Casey, but the guy's name is Robert Lee). Enjoy...