Saturday, October 31, 2009

So-so product, but commercial made me look into it...

I always find totally new product launches pretty interesting. Initial commercials are a great chance to do something different and unique. The new phone by Verizon-Google-Motorola is coming out in November, and I really like their ad running now. Now, I'm very happy with my Blackberry Storm. Might get an iPhone if someone gave it to me, but no complaints. But despite this, the commercial definitely caught my curiosity and made me look into it. Turns out the specs are only incrementally better than iPhone (whatever, Casey - look it up!), but the ad is pretty cool nonetheless:

Link -


  1. actually I had the same reaction. Those are pretty much the main drawbacks (add price to that) and they knocked it out of the park- made me want to check it out!

  2. wow, didn't think you Mac-heads could admit there are any possible improvements that could be made on iPhones or iPods or iTouches or iTunes or iAnythings...
